Thursday, March 24, 2011


So for the longest time I have been super unhappy being in California. I felt like God brought me out into the desert and left me here to die. What I realized thou is that God brought me to the desert to see if I would fight for survival, to see how far I would go to follow him no matter what that meant. So coming to Saddleback might not have been my dream but I'm finding the more I am here the more I learn about myself and the vision the God has given me for the future. I have a vision of being part of a generation that worships the living God with a passion that is uninhibited, undivided, unstoppable, unquenchable. Part of a generation that loves their Savior so much that it does not matter where they are or who is around them they are not afraid to worship their God and Savior. God is stirring a revival in my generation and I can't express how excited I am about that. I am so looking forward to what God is planning and how he is moving in my life and the life of the people around me. Again as I write Jeremiah 29:11 just resonates through my head.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

I have been so amazed at how present God is in my everyday life. I feel so blessed to have a Savior who wants to be a part of MY life. That just seems crazy to me. But that's what is so amazing about it. I have been changed from the inside out. My life has been turned upside down. I can't imagine what my life would look like if God had not stepped in and dragged me out of the dirt that I was in. It's just so amazing to think that when the rest of the world had written me off, told me I was hopeless and my life would always be the same. That I would never be able to change. It's amazing to finally realize that the one voice that mattered was telling me it was possible all along. Know I just want the world to know the amazing love and grace that was extended to me by the one who gave it all up for ME. Little ol me!!! Anyway I realize I've rambled for enough time but if you happen to come across this and have questions. I am super excited to connect with you and maybe answer them.

In His Love,
