Thursday, April 26, 2012


But the King replied to Araunah: "No I insist on buying it, for I will not present burnt offerings to the Lord my God that have cost me nothing".  2 Samuel 24:24

      A little bit of the story that lies behind this verse. God has just sent a plague upon Israel and King David is instructed to buy the threshing floor of Araunah and build an altar there and offer a sacrifice to the Lord. Now I love the position that King David takes when Araunah offers him the threshing floor the wood and the offering for free. We all know that King David could have just asked if it had not been offered to him for free but King David understood the meaning of a sacrifice. Now sacrifice is defined as the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having higher or more pressing claim. Now this just makes me wonder how many times I have taken this position and decided that I would allow my sacrifice to cost me something. You see King David understood that true sacrifice that is pleasing to God MUST cost something, otherwise it has no value. Think about it most times that something is handed to us or we do something that costs us nothing it holds little to no value in our eyes. For example, I get a new phone that has been given to me, as much as I love my phone and I am grateful for it, it's value in my eyes is minimum. On the other hand if I buy a $649 dollar phone I will take care of it like fine china. 

      Sacrifice is not sacrifice if it does not require exactly that... SACRIFICE! I know that statement is completely redundant but the truth is when you think about it, it makes complete and total sense. The scriptures say in Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." If we are to worship God with our lives and with our bodies it WILL cost us something. I think the problem with most christians today is that we want God's blessing, we want to hear to voice of God, we want to see His hand at work but we are not willing to sacrifice some of our time in order to receive. Our relationship with God has become transactional. How many of us would be willing to admit that if we had the option to choose between our acts of worship costing us something and it being offered to us for free we would still choose for it to cost something? The truth is most of us would take the easy route out and choose for it to be free. The sad truth is that most of us are trying to give God our scraps and pretending like it is costing us something. If God is calling us to do something we need to rise up to the challenge and do it with excellence. Allowing whatever it is to cost us however much God decides it should cost us. Nobody said that following God would be easy. There are many obstacles that we will face and there will be much sacrifice. I pray that I will look at my life and the sacrifice that God calls me to how King David did refusing to give God my scraps and challenging myself to always give God my best. There will be tears, there will be sweat, there will be countless hours that will be sacrificed but all of that is just minimal when you look at the big picture and understand that our reward lies in heaven. Spending eternity with a loving God that will look at me, that will look at you, and say that He was pleased with our sacrifice will be a reward in itself. My prayer is that I will look to Jesus as my example as it is said in Hebrews. 

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.      
                                                                                                             - Hebrews 12:2
I pray that whoever is reading this that God will enlighten your hearts to understand His beautiful purpose in your life. I pray that if anything I have written is against anything that God would want to speak into your life that you will quickly forget it. And finally I pray that God will continue the work that He has begun in you and that He will see it to completion on that glorious day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. Amen.

In His Unfailing Love,


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Passion 2012

Passion 2012... Wow is all I can say... I had expectations for what I would receive and experience at Passion but they were completely blown out of the water. God has used this event to not only powerfully speak to our generation but also to inspire us to be the change our world needs. I have been completely refreshed and my heart is feeling a fire that had been extinguished a while ago.

At the end of 2011 I was feeling run down and ineffective, what's more frightening is I was feeling as far from God as the east is from the west. One of the things that I heard God speak to me at Passion is that when I am feeling far from Him it is because I have created that gap between us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us that is what His word says and He is completely true to His promises. I had created such a big gap between me and God by indulging in the desires of my flesh and delighting in the temporary things that my sin could offer that I couldn't even see His face any longer. But as Beth Moore said in her session there is no amount of dirt that can make Jesus unclean. I needed to realize that no matter how deep I am in my sin I can always reach out for the healing touch of Jesus.

In the first session God took a hold of my heart through Louie Giglio. I was on my way to my funeral and Jesus interrupted my procession to awaken me to life again. I had let myself be brought down by the enemy because I had underestimated him. But Jesus had different plans for my life and as Louie spoke he called me out of my darkness and blindness into his marvelous light once more. He has awakened me not only to a new passion for Him and delighting in Him and His promises but also a passion for justice in this world. To think that there are 27 million boys, girls, men and women out there that are being trafficked as I write this blog is mind-blowing but the great thing about this is that there are 7 billion people in our world that can do something about it. I will not sit back any longer and watch others do what God has called ME to do. I will take a stand upon injustice and I will ruin the plans of the enemy. He will no longer oppress us because there is one who came to loosen every chain and take every burden away and that is my savior Jesus Christ. I will be His hands and feet bringing hope to the oppressed and the forgotten. There are no orphans in the kingdom of God. He will leave the herd to go after the one lost sheep. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in this year not only through me but through the 45,000 that were at passion this year. So I will ask you to join me in prayer not only for this fire to continue but a change to happen in our world and the rest of our generation with others just like us to rise up and say NO MORE will I stand for this. I pray that our voice will be heard from the rooftops of our cities as we join together to give praise to the God who rescues, heals and restores...

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So for the longest time I have been super unhappy being in California. I felt like God brought me out into the desert and left me here to die. What I realized thou is that God brought me to the desert to see if I would fight for survival, to see how far I would go to follow him no matter what that meant. So coming to Saddleback might not have been my dream but I'm finding the more I am here the more I learn about myself and the vision the God has given me for the future. I have a vision of being part of a generation that worships the living God with a passion that is uninhibited, undivided, unstoppable, unquenchable. Part of a generation that loves their Savior so much that it does not matter where they are or who is around them they are not afraid to worship their God and Savior. God is stirring a revival in my generation and I can't express how excited I am about that. I am so looking forward to what God is planning and how he is moving in my life and the life of the people around me. Again as I write Jeremiah 29:11 just resonates through my head.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

I have been so amazed at how present God is in my everyday life. I feel so blessed to have a Savior who wants to be a part of MY life. That just seems crazy to me. But that's what is so amazing about it. I have been changed from the inside out. My life has been turned upside down. I can't imagine what my life would look like if God had not stepped in and dragged me out of the dirt that I was in. It's just so amazing to think that when the rest of the world had written me off, told me I was hopeless and my life would always be the same. That I would never be able to change. It's amazing to finally realize that the one voice that mattered was telling me it was possible all along. Know I just want the world to know the amazing love and grace that was extended to me by the one who gave it all up for ME. Little ol me!!! Anyway I realize I've rambled for enough time but if you happen to come across this and have questions. I am super excited to connect with you and maybe answer them.

In His Love,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anybody know what I'm supposed to be doing... Anyone???

So... so far I can't say I'm impressed with California. You would think that a state that so many people flock to would be the most amazing jewel ever to be found but frankly I think Orlando is way more appealing than California. I don't care if this is where dreams are supposed to come true. So my day started early because I am still in the Orlando time zone and consequently I went to bed early. After waking up three times thinking it was already time to be awake, then realizing it was still way to early and going back to sleep, I finally woke up at 6:30 am. I decided to go for a jog (this involved a lot more walking than jogging) but I will call it a jog cause it makes me feel better about myself. I then came back to my room did a couple of crunches and then took a shower. Proceeded to pray and do my quiet time and then my sister decided to be a creeper and come to my window and scare the Bejesus out of me!!!

We went to breakfast and then finally we were on our way to the Saddleback main campus. May I remind you we were like 20 minutes late when we left but apparently that seems to bother none of the other interns so hey who am I to tell you you have to follow schedules? So we finally made it to the campus and I got introduced to Rob Jacobs, I can't tell you how awesome it was to finally put a face to the voice I had talked to a couple of times. Rob gave me a tour of the office which might I say is like a freaking maze. Then I was introduced to Rick and Tom the overseers of the small groups ministry. Might I say I am not completely thrilled about the fact that no one could tell me what I was supposed to be doing but yet I kept getting the question... "So what are you going to be doing?" Well that's simple... I'll let you know as soon as I find out!!! Hahaha Like seriously I thought that this would be a little more organized than it is. But hey I'm giving it a break because it's a new program and they are still trying to figure out everything and I'm sure our feedback will be very helpful to them. So far the people have been really nice and it was definitely a fun day after Debbie and Dianna from the Women's ministry saved us from our boredom of not knowing what to do. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive than today because I cannot sit down for one more hour without knowing what I am to be doing. Other than that Saddleback is an amazing church with some amazing people. I'm looking forward to what God has to teach me through them and just to continue on this crazy journey. I love you all and I am praying for all of you. Take care and God Bless.

Monday, January 31, 2011

California Dreaming...

So today was a very surreal day... I still can't believe I picked up my life and just moved to California. I take comfort in Jeremiah 29:11. I know that God has great plans and in that I take refuge. I left Orlando at 10:30 a.m. got to California at 2:30, now that doesn't seem that bad until you realize that California is 3 hours behind from Orlando which means technically I arrived at 5:30 in the afternoon. I got picked up by a really nice guy Mike and he drove me to "The Ranch" as they affectionately call the new campus where we are going to be staying. The Ranch is pretty amazing the rooms are like hotel rooms we pretty much have everything and quiet times are going to be amazing as we are surrounded by nature everywhere. I'm not completely impressed with California but I'm gonna give it a chance, there must be something good here if people love it so much. I miss my friends and my church family but hey I know we will see each other soon... Well that's it for today... Haven't really had much happen so... yeah... Love you guys! God Bless!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


As I sit in my apartment listening to the amazing music of one of my favorite worship bands, Bellarive, I can't help but just see how blessed I have been in the last two years being a part of the church family that is Amp'd College Ministry. Last Wednesday our pastor Chris Ogden was speaking on the love of Christ and how we need to show it in an authentic way and he challenged us to examine our lives and figure out if we are showing the love of Christ and if we are not to identify that thing that is keeping us from doing so. Well I don't know if Chris knows but that message hit the spot. As I realized that I was leaving Amp'd for six months to follow Jesus to California I couldn't help but remember that there in the midst of my friends that I now call my family is where I first experienced the love of Christ. An overwhelming sense of peace and love overcame me and I broke down because I was so thankful at how much God has blessed me with this ministry. I sometimes wonder where I would be today if I had not been called out of the life that I was living in. If I had never met the people I know if I hadn't had the opportunity to do the things I have done at First Baptist Church. I feel like God was telling me you were shown the love of Christ now I need you to take a step of faith and follow me to where I call you... I need you to spread the love of Christ somewhere new. Not gonna lie my flesh was a little angry, but then I took a step back and realized that God has a plan and in his amazing plan many great things are gonna happen. Things that I will be able to experience and be in the midst of. What more could I ask for?

I have decided to start this blog to be able to jot down my thoughts and the things that God is doing daily in my life. I would hope and pray that everything I write on here will be edifying and that they will bless those who read them. I am so happy for the opportunity that God has given me and I can't wait to go on this crazy journey that he has called me to. I will try to keep this updated but I don't know what my schedule will look like once I start working at Saddleback so hopefully it won't be too crazy and I will be able to update often.

To my friends and family in Orlando I will miss you greatly. Jeannie you are not only my best friend but you are a sister to me. I am so encouraged by the passion and the love that you have first for Jesus and second for people. I see great things being done through you this year. God has amazing plans and I am sad that I won't be able to see them but I look forward to hearing about them. Continue strong and know that you are in my prayers. To my big sis, Damaris I know that it is sad to see me go, but you know that God will use this for his glory and that he takes care of us in every step we take. I love you with all my heart and I hope you know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. I know that although you might not understand right now why I have to go I know God will show us both why and I know you will be there for me regardless. To the rest of Amp'd College Ministry... I love each and every one of you. I look forward to coming back and seeing the unquenchable fire that burns in your hearts for Christ. I look forward to many more days of worship and service together and I pray that God will bless us all to continue on this journey together. Don't worry about me... I'll be back. Keep strong and stay focused don't let anything distract you from the goal at hand. I love you all. Now I'm gonna go pack because I am one and a half days away from leaving and have not packed anything. Keep ya posted... I promise!! Love you all and God Bless.

                                                                                            In His Love,